This old gray chair. It has seen so many days. Days spent rocking each of my littles before bed, when they are sick, when they just want to be held, when they want to read a story, when I need to be close to them and feel the weight of them against me. Now it rocks my last little babe.
So many emotions just saying that out loud. Tears streaming down my face as I think about all of her “firsts” being my “lasts.” Scared to be “done” because babies and nursing and diaper changes are all I have known for the last six years, but then excited to eventually enter the next phase of life with our completed family in tow.
A stage that I only hear about from friends who have been there already. A stage full of travel and exploring. A stage where my body figures out what it’s “normal” is now. A stage where my husband and I can relax and spend more time together. A stage where my home decor isn’t baby gear and toys. It makes me laugh and cry all at the same time.
Even though this next phase is something I am struggling to grasp, I know that it will be beautiful and the memories will be so dear to my heart as well. In carrying these precious lives, I have truly found my joy and my calling in life. And for that and for my precious babies, I thank God every day.