First off I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I love a new year because it feels like a clean slate and a fresh beginning. There’s so much potential in a fresh start! I don’t really make resolutions each year, but I do set goals to work toward. Another thing I started last year is choosing a word. My word for 2020 was intentional. I wanted 2020 to be a year of being intentional with my time, my family, my marriage, my work, etc. It’s so crazy how things work out the way do. When I chose the word intentional for last year, I had no clue how much time and opportunity I would actually have to be intentional in all areas. So thankful for that intentional time with my people.
This year, I had originally thought my word would be Patient. I can always work on my patience, but it was more about being still and patiently waiting on God’s plans. The more I thought about this word and prayed over this word, I came to the conclusion that the word being impressed on my heart is PREPARED.
Prepared can be applied to so many areas, but for me I want and need to be prepared in all areas. If I have my kids homeschool lessons prepared ahead of time, it creates less stress in me. If I have my meals prepared and ready for the week, I feel so much lighter and free. If my social media content is prepared ahead of time, it allows me time to spend doing other things like being with my family. If my heart is prepared and open to receiving God’s plans for my life and even my year, it brings a peace and clarity over me and a comfort that I don’t have to have the big things all figured out.
Being prepared can be applied to big things and small things. And while it’s something I will never do perfectly, it is something I am going to spend 2021 working on and refining as best I can. As a result, I will most certainly have extra time, but also less stress and more enjoyable days. This will be the year I am PREPARED… and not running through my days like a chicken with my head cut off haha.
Some goals for this year would be to blog 5 days a week (hey I’m on day 2 so thats a good sign), send out an email to my email list one day a week (I promise not to spam you guys!), do more giveaways as a way to say thank you and give back to you guys, get my clothing line launched (EEK! so excited about this one!), have my content planned out and done way ahead of time, get back to eating well and working out consistently so I can feel my best, travel more with my family even if its spontaneous trips, more dates with my husband, organization and simplifying our home and “stuff.”
Prayers for the best year ever!! What is your word or goals for this new year?