Tea parties have always been a big thing around here, especially when we homeschooled. I can remember having at LEAST one a week for the longest time. So yesterday, when Vivi announced that she was playing “hockey” (hookey might make more sense but we don’t dare correct her) and staying home with me today, we immediately planned a tea party for the two of us. We used to make tons of kid-friendly recipes from the Disney Princess Cookbook so we got it out this morning to see what we could come up with! We landed on scones and blackberry tea (made with Arbonne’s blackberry fizz sticks and their orange hot tea). I also had a few Trader Joe’s macarons in the freezer so we got those out to thaw.

We made the scones together, and that was honestly my most favorite part! She is so independent and sure of herself. She basically made them all by herself, and my job was just to hand her the ingredients and guide her on what to do next. We subbed Craisins in place of the raisins, and they really did turn out so good!

When the kids were smaller, we had a few glass tea sets so I let her choose which one she wanted to use for today. She settled on the pink with flowers of course. Last but not least, she dressed up in her Princess Daisy costume from Halloween because a tea party just isn’t a tea party unless you dress up according to Viv. I linked up a few of my tea party essentials for you below so you can enjoy some special memories with your little ones too!